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English Version
Advanced age is a risk factor for the onset of Meningiomas: increased exposure to ionizing radiation over the years?
With aging there is a greater need for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures related to the onset of various pathologies, often with consequent exposure to ionizing radiation. Such radiation can affect the skull, even if not directly addressed to this body area, especially if specific protections are not adopted to shield ionizing emissions.

Intracranial meningioma is more frequent :
- As we age,
- in the female sex
- if you are prone to neurofibromatosis type 2
- with exposure of the skull to ionizing radiation
- with prolonged use (for more than a year) of high doses of certain progestogen drugs.
Is advancing age a risk factor since there is a greater possibility of exposure to ionizing radiation as we age?[1]
[1] Rapid Response
Gianni Zuccheri 25 April 2024
Advanced age is a risk factor for the onset of Meningiomas: increased exposure to ionizing radiation over the years?